CASE CLOSED … what really happened in the 2001 anthrax attacks?

* The Anthrax Letters That Terrorized a Nation Are Now Decontaminated and on Public View

Posted by DXer on September 13, 2016


21 Responses to “* The Anthrax Letters That Terrorized a Nation Are Now Decontaminated and on Public View”

  1. DXer said

    U.S. Postal Service now lets you see your mail before it’s delivered

    Updated on June 28, 2017 at 12:54 PM Posted on June 28, 2017 at 12:43 PM

    The free service allows residential mail customers to see on a regular basis what letter-sized, first-class mail is coming to their mailbox that day, she said.

    Comment: I am amazed that this is technically viable, disturbed by the privacy implications and surprised that anyone would bother to sign up for the service.
    But I’m mildly excited to see the future unfold. Does that mean my wife now will know of all the solicitations for political and other donations that she never sees?
    That my daughter will see all college junk mail I throw out without authorization (to save her the distraction)? Looks like now I’ll have to screen email too.

  2. DXer said

    Ahmad Khan Rahami, 28, is wanted for questioning by the FBI

    Published: Sept 19, 2016 8:11 a.m. ET

    While America struggled with a new world of the abnormal after the horrendous events of Sept. 11, 2001, the U.S. Post Office was a quiet oasis of normalcy. Those men and women exhibited extraordinary courage to provide an example of service that perhaps would have only received more notice if, like our Congressmen and Senators, they had chosen to run and hide.

    Many of us may have forgotten that a week after the 9/11 attacks a new wave of terror erupted whose toll eventually reached five killed and 17 others infected. Anthrax-tainted letters were mailed to media and political enterprises but they were hardly the only targets. Every postal employee was a potential victim.

    I for one would not have blamed them if they had said they weren’t going to work until preventative and safety measures were in place. But they showed up, and I admit I really had not thought much of it at the time. With so much of the rest of our country’s institutions in various stages of chaos, I went to the local Post Office, handed over my letters to be weighed and stamped and got a cheerful goodbye. In hindsight, I could well have been a terrorist handing them an envelope of death. Yet they weren’t dressed in decontamination suits — they weren’t even wearing latex gloves.

    As politicians exhorted us to go about our “normal lives” (as if any of our lives would ever be “normal” again), the professionals of the Postal Service did it and gave an unappreciated example that our country still worked. Heroes come in many guises, not the least the uniform of the U.S. Postal Service.

    Christopher Randolph

    • DXer said

      New York bombing: Suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami ‘may have been radicalised after visiting Afghanistan’

      A handwritten note found with the unexploded bomb contained ramblings, including references to previous terrorists including the Boston bombers, an unnamed law enforcement official told CNN.


      The officers who captured him deserve a lot of credit. It’s not easy having a job where you have to approach (or pursue) a man with a gun motivated to use it to shoot and kill you.

      And it is wonderful that the mass cell phone notification proved so effective.

  3. DXer said

    Chelsea bombing – Wanted for questioning – should be considered armed and dangerous.

  4. DXer said

    BBC – 12 minutes – “Anthrax Attacks – September 14, 2016

  5. DXer said

    “Garvey, PhD, now head of forensics for Philadelphia PPD, did the testing of the strain detected in Afghanistan while he worked for the CIA. He says the anthrax detected was the Ames strain, the strain used in the attack. He has said this in a published paper online — in his PhD thesis. He says it hasn’t been the subject of discussion because the FBI is suppressing the information through overbroad classification.”


    The CIA’s detection of the Ames strain of b. anthracis in Afghanistan was discarded by the FBI due to different testing results, sampling procedures, and methodology used by the FBI and IC (“Intelligence Community”)
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on April 30, 2015

    * The CIA’s detection of the Ames strain of b. anthracis in Afghanistan was discarded by the FBI due to different testing results, sampling procedures, and methodology used by the FBI and IC (“Intelligence Community”)

    The Chair of the Dangerous Pathogens 2000 conference at which the Al Qaeda scientist’s Rauf Ahmad’s research on killing mice with anthrax was presented, worked at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Center while advising the FBI’s Amerithrax Investigation ; the paper Dr. Baillie presented was co-authored with sequencer of the Ames strain
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on November 16, 2014

    * The Chair of the Dangerous Pathogens 2000 conference at which the Al Qaeda scientist’s Rauf Ahmad’s research on killing mice with anthrax was presented, worked at the University of Maryland Biotechnology Center while advising the FBI’s Amerithrax Investigation ; the paper Dr. Baillie presented was co-authored with sequencer of the Ames strain

    FBI has known since 2001 that a paper at the 2000 UK conference chaired by the lone non-US Amerithrax advisor Les Baillie, explained how Al Qaeda’s anthrax lab scientist Rauf Ahmad had killed mice with 100 injected spores.
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on November 16, 2014

    * The FBI has known since 2001 that a paper at the 2000 UK conference chaired by the lone non-US Amerithrax advisor Les Baillie, explained how Al Qaeda’s anthrax lab scientist Rauf Ahmad had killed mice with 100 injected spores.

    Anthrax, Al Qaeda and Ayman Zawahiri: The Infiltration of US Biodefense

  6. DXer said

    “I have interviewed the Al Qaeda anthrax lab director Yazid Sufaat and he does not deny Al Qaeda’s responsibility for the anthrax mailings. When I sent Al Qaeda anthrax lab director Yazid Sufaat a picture of the anthrax spore concentrate that was cultivated in the Afghanistan vaccine lab, he (affably) refused to identify the strain. He pled the Fifth. (The Taliban controlled the lab, as was explained early on in an Economist article.)”


    In written correspondence with the Case Closed blog, the Sacramento State graduate and former Malaysian Army Captain Yazid Sufaat has invoked the “Fifth Amendment” and declined to disclose the b. anthracis strain he was using.
    Posted on April 28, 2015

    * In written correspondence with the Case Closed blog, the Sacramento State graduate and former Malaysian Army Captain Yazid Sufaat has invoked the “Fifth Amendment” and declined to disclose the b. anthracis strain he was using.

    Yazid Sufaat was happy with the anthrax work when he stayed with KSM for 6 days in 2001 and when he reported to Dr. Ayman on the results of his research with virulent anthrax in August 2001 with Hambali; in his correspondence with DXer, he seems happy today also (and very much in love).
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on May 1, 2012

    * Yazid Sufaat was happy with the anthrax work when he stayed with KSM for 6 days in 2001 and when he reported to Dr. Ayman on the results of his research with virulent anthrax in August 2001 with Hambali; in his correspondence with DXer, he seems happy today also (and very much in love).

    Former Al Qaeda Anthrax Lab Director Yazid Sufaat Gets 7 Years For Omitting Information On Terrorist Activities
    Posted on February 8, 2016

    * Former Al Qaeda Anthrax Lab Director Yazid Sufaat Gets 7 Years For Omitting Information On Terrorist Activities

    Yazid Sufaat says that, contrary to some media reports, he was successful in developing anthrax, but prefers other bugs; he views anthrax as good for sabotaging, but not killing
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on April 30, 2015

    * Yazid Sufaat says that, contrary to some media reports, he was successful in developing anthrax, but prefers other bugs; he views anthrax as good for sabotaging, but not killing

  7. DXer said

    “I obtained from DIA (under FOIA) the plans for Al Qaeda anthrax lab. It was very sophisticated compared to your misleading cave reference. Abdul Rauf refused to cooperate with me unless I paid him money. (The CIA interviewed him in a Pakistan intelligence safe house where they were served tea and cookies by Rauf Ahmad’s servant; so he apparently is used to being treated very well by his questioners).

    The head FBI scientist has publicly said at the official presentation that no sophisticated equipment was needed. The anthrax could have been air-dried, according to the FBI.”


    CIA and FBI Knew Rauf Ahmad harvested “anthrax spore concentrate” for Al Qaeda for experiment on guinea pigs on “7-4-001” – handwriting on anthrax spore concentrate is same as handwriting of Rauf Ahmad in correspondence planning anthrax lab with Ayman Zawahiri
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on November 26, 2014

    * CIA and FBI Knew Rauf Ahmad harvested “anthrax spore concentrate” for Al Qaeda for experiment on guinea pigs on “7-4-001” – handwriting on anthrax spore concentrate is same as handwriting of Rauf Ahmad in correspondence planning anthrax lab with Ayman Zawahiri

    Infiltrating Al Qaeda scientist Rauf Ahmad did a lot more than have a servant serve tea and cookies to his US interrogators at a comfortable ISI safehouse
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on April 26, 2015

    * Infiltrating Al Qaeda scientist Rauf Ahmad did a lot more than have a servant serve tea and cookies to his US interrogators at a comfortable ISI safehouse

    The FBI did not take custody of the Pakistan anthrax scientist Rauf Ahmad who conducted a seminar on using a balloon to disperse the anthrax he had made
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on January 17, 2015

    * The FBI did not take custody of the Pakistan anthrax scientist Rauf Ahmad who conducted a seminar on using a balloon to disperse the anthrax he had made

    The UK Lab That Let Al Qaeda Scientist Rauf Ahmad Leave With Virulent Anthrax in 1999 Made A Mistake; To Keep The Lab’s Identity A Secret Prevents Us From Learning From History
    Posted on December 5, 2014

    * The UK Lab That Let Al Qaeda Scientist Rauf Ahmad Leave With Virulent Anthrax in 1999 Made A Mistake; To Keep The Lab’s Identity A Secret Prevents Us From Learning From History

  8. DXer said

    “A massive amount of exculpatory evidence is being withheld by the FBI according to the FBI’s lead investigator who has brought a suit in federal district court. For example, evidence from KSM and Hambali on the issue is being suppressed by the FBI. See public statements by former lead Amerithrax investigator to the New York Times and FoxNews. Hambali, who was Yazid Sufaat’s supervisor, had his first day in court after 13 years. He was required to remain silent while he was filmed for 10 minutes.”


    NYT interview of former lead Amerithrax investigator Richard Lambert: “a staggering amount of exculpatory evidence” regarding Dr. Ivins remains secret
    Posted on July 16, 2016

    * NYT interview of former lead Amerithrax investigator Richard Lambert: “a staggering amount of exculpatory evidence” regarding Dr. Ivins remains secret

    FOX NEWS interview with RICHARD LAMBERT … Former agent claims FBI concealing evidence in anthrax case
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on April 22, 2015

    * FOX NEWS interview with RICHARD LAMBERT … Former agent claims FBI concealing evidence in anthrax case

    NSA ORCON: CIA and FBI Dropping the Ball In Anthrax Mailings and 9/11 Involved Same Failure To Track And Intercept Al-Midhar And Nawaf After Meeting At Kuala Lumpur Condo Of Anthrax Lab Tech Sufaat and Anthrax Planner Hambali
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on January 27, 2012

    * NSA ORCON: CIA and FBI Dropping the Ball In Anthrax Mailings and 9/11 Involved Same Failure To Track And Intercept Al-Midhar And Nawaf After Meeting At Kuala Lumpur Condo Of Anthrax Lab Tech Sufaat and Anthrax Planner Hambali

    Hambali: Recommendation for Continued Detention (excerpt)
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on April 25, 2011

    * Hambali: Recommendation for Continued Detention (excerpt)

  9. DXer said

    “Yazid Sufaat met with Adnan El-Shukrijumah at KSM’s house at the time (on or about 9/11) that Adnan called his Mom in Florida to tell her he was coming back to the US. The first letter was mailed on 9/18. The FBI is withholding all the documents relating to Shukrijumah’s association with Atta at a Sarasota residence.”


    DXer says: Adnan El-Shukrijumah is the anthrax mailer … on or about 9/13/2001, he phoned from KSM’s house to tell his mom he was coming to the US
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on June 6, 2014

    * DXer says: Adnan El-Shukrijumah is the anthrax mailer … on or about 9/13/2001, he phoned from KSM’s house to tell his mom he was coming to the US

    In February 2003, the FBI announced that “Jafar the Pilot” (aka Adnan El-Shukrijumah) had entered the country sometime after September 1, 2001
    Posted on September 26, 2014

    * In February 2003, the FBI announced that “Jafar the Pilot” (aka Adnan El-Shukrijumah) had entered the country sometime after September 1, 2001

    9/11 Congressional press conference tomorrow: Anthrax mailing suspect Adnan El-Shukrijumah, son of a salaried Saudi missionary, was at this Sarasota, FL home with his accomplice, 911 lead hijacker Mohammed Atta.
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on January 6, 2015

    * 9/11 Congressional press conference tomorrow: Anthrax mailing suspect Adnan El-Shukrijumah, son of a salaried Saudi missionary, was at this Sarasota, FL home with his accomplice, 911 lead hijacker Mohammed Atta.

    DXer says … Adnan El-Shukrijumah, son of Saudi missionary, was the Fall 2001 anthrax mailer and FBI is withholding relevant documents
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on May 12, 2016

    * DXer says … Adnan El-Shukrijumah, son of Saudi missionary, was the Fall 2001 anthrax mailer and FBI is withholding relevant documents

  10. DXer said

    “15 years later, it is time for there to be greater transparency so that the history can be written. The Smithsonian, above all, should stand for that principle. And sound analysis of the science requires transparency and disclosure of the contemporaneous documents said by the former lead Amerithrax investigator to be exculpatory of Bruce Ivins. For example, the DOJ and FBI have refused to produce Notebook 4282 that shows why Ivins was in the lab on the dates, including the date of mailing, that the FBI says he had no reason to be in the lab.”


    By letter dated May 13, 2016, FBI’s Dave Hardy has failed to provide Notebook 4282 which has Dr. Ivins notations on September 18, 2001, the time of the Fall 2001 anthrax mailings.
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on May 19, 2016

    * By letter dated May 13, 2016, FBI’s Dave Hardy has failed to provide Notebook 4282 which has Dr. Ivins notations on September 18, 2001, the time of the Fall 2001 anthrax mailings.

    By letter dated August 23, 2016, DOJ’s Matthew Hurd has failed to provide Dr. Ivins’ Notebook 4282 which has notations on September 18, 2001, the date of the Fall 2001 anthrax mailings.
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on August 24, 2016

    * By letter dated August 23, 2016, DOJ’s Matthew Hurd has failed to provide Dr. Ivins’ Notebook 4282 which has notations on September 18, 2001, the date of the Fall 2001 anthrax mailings.

    Who at the FBI and Army is accountable for failing to produce Notebook 4037. 4282 and 4010 relating to the murder of 5 people in Fall 2001?
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on June 16, 2016

    * Who at the FBI and Army is accountable for failing to produce Notebook 4037. 4282 and 4010 relating to the murder of 5 people in Fall 2001?

    Ivins/Amerithrax-Notebook 4282 FOIA follow-up by DXer
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on June 13, 2016

    * Ivins/Amerithrax-Notebook 4282 FOIA follow-up by DXer

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