CASE CLOSED … what really happened in the 2001 anthrax attacks?

* The GAO should obtain colored copies of the April 2002 sample submission (that Ivins says was submitted by his assistant) to see the color ink that was used.

Posted by DXer on April 2, 2011




3 Responses to “* The GAO should obtain colored copies of the April 2002 sample submission (that Ivins says was submitted by his assistant) to see the color ink that was used.”

  1. DXer said

    discussing one of the April 2002 samples and who prepared it
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on March 14, 2011

    * discussing one of the April 2002 samples and who prepared it

    Faced with the type assertions made by Scott Decker in his recent book about the submission of the April 2002 sample, the National Academy of Sciences was not persuaded.

    Where does Scott disclose this? Wasn’t the entire point of the NAS review to review the FBI’s scientific methods and conclusions — even though the NAS was precluded from reviewing evidence of guilt and precluded from seeing the classified evidence relating to Al Qaeda’s anthrax program (which the FBI had withheld)?

    NAS weighs in on April 2002 submission of slants by someone from Ivins’ lab
    Posted by Lew Weinstein on February 15, 2011

  2. DXer said

    Did Kristie Friend, Dr. Ivins’ assistant, submit the April 2002 slant? The FBI made a big deal that it didn’t have the 4 morphs but should have. — and so they say it must have been done differently than the February 2002 submission.

  3. DXer said

    I’ve often talked about 7736, 7737 and 7738. 7737 was Flask 1029. 7738 was Flask 1030 (and some of it was found). What is 7739c? What was that used for? What seed stock was used?

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