CASE CLOSED … what really happened in the 2001 anthrax attacks?

Archive for December 7th, 2010

* FBI now admits the silicon concentration in the attack anthrax is too high … higher than can be explained by natural occurrence.

Posted by DXer on December 7, 2010

Microbial Forensics, Second Edition

Bruce Budowle (Editor), Steven E. Schutzer (Editor), Roger G. Breeze (Editor), Paul S. Keim (Editor), Stephen A. Morse (Editor)

The second edition of the treatise has just been released

and contains some startling admissions.

The silicon concentration of the Amerithrax spores, long downplayed by the FBI as a “natural occurrence” has finally been discussed in detail.

The FBI scientists finally admit that the concentration of the element silicon found in the attack spores is too high – higher than can be explained by natural occurrence.

Interestingly, the high silicon concentration was discussed in a Wall Street Journal aricle by Ed Epstein:

Ed Epstein’s article was disputed days later by FBI lab director Chris Hassell (although he gave no real explanation ahy he was disputing it):

Now things seem to have taken a complete 180 and the new book Microbial Forensics, basically agrees with Ed Epstein’s original article – which stated that the silicon concentration was too high and was not a “natural occurence”.

The book even goes as far as to state that

the high silicon content would have provided a serious problem

had any case against Dr Ivins have gone to court –

it would have affected the “prosecution narrative”.

Quote (from page 513):

“Thus if the estimates silicon concentrations in the Amerithrax spores are correct, they are not consistent with our current understanding of silica deposition or those materials must have indeed been produced under an unusual set of conditions. If the latter were true, the silica evidence might provide a significant bound on the credible growth and production scenarios that would be consistent with the prosecution narrative in this case.

  • Although this is a good step forward by the FBI, they appear to be still downplaying the NYP silicon concentration.
  • The AFIP lab report is still not mentioned nor is the >30% silicon content that is found in that sample.



The FBI’s case against Dr. Ivins is clearly bogus: no evidence, no witnesses, an impossible timeline, science that proves innocence instead of guilt. So what really happened? And why doesn’t the FBI offer America a credible story?

I can imagine only 3 possible “actual” scenarios …

  1. The FBI has more evidence against Dr. Ivins but is, for some undisclosed reason, withholding that evidence … POSSIBLE BUT NOT SO LIKELY
  2. The FBI, despite the most expensive and extensive investigation in its history, has not solved the case and has no idea who prepared and mailed the anthrax letters that killed 5 Americans in 2001 … EVEN LESS LIKELY
  3. The FBI knows who did it (not Dr. Ivins) but is covering up the actual perpetrators, for undisclosed reasons … THE MOST LIKELY SCENARIO

The “fictional” scenario in my novel CASE CLOSED has been judged by many readers, including a highly respected official in the U.S. Intelligence Community, as perhaps more plausible than the FBI’s unproven assertions regarding Dr. Ivins.

* buy CASE CLOSED at amazon *


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* Amerithrax experts insist FBI has failed to prove beyond many reasonable doubts that Dr. Bruce Ivins was even involved in the anthrax mailings, let alone the sole perpetrator … is there more evidence against Ivins that the FBI has not released? has the FBI actually failed to solve the case? or does the FBI know who really did it (not Ivins) but does not want to reveal the true perpetrators?

Posted by DXer on December 7, 2010

Dr. John Ezzell, Lew Weinstein, Ross Getman, Dr. Meryl Nass, Paul Kemp, Dr. James Van de Velde at the Anthrax Mailings Investigation seminar ... UC Washington Center Nov 29, 2010



Thanks to Cliff Kincaid ( for recording the videos

“Case Closed” Author Lew Weinstein Discusses FBI Anthrax Cover-up and Possible Al-Qaeda … Involvement

Attorney Paul Kemp says FBI falsely blamed Bruce Ivins for anthrax attacks (1 of 3) …   

Attorney Paul Kemp says FBI falsely blamed Bruce Ivins for anthrax attacks (2 of 3). …

Attorney Paul Kemp says FBI falsely blamed Bruce Ivins for anthrax attacks (3 of 3) …

UCLA’s Michael Intriligator Says FBI either incompetent or corrupt in anthrax investigation…

Megan Eckstein writes in the Frederick News Post (11/30/10) …

WASHINGTON — The FBI may have closed its Amerithax case against Fort Detrick scientist Bruce Ivins nine months ago, but some experts are not willing to let the issue die quite so easily.

A group of about 25 scientists, professors, writers, terrorism experts and more convened Monday afternoon to discuss the particulars of the investigation and to debate who the real perpetrator may have been.

Lewis Weinstein, who has written extensively about the anthrax attacks in 2001 that killed five and sickened 17 others, introduced the first panel of speakers by saying “none of us on this panel believe the FBI proved its case against Dr. Bruce Ivins.”

Though each speaker came from a different perspective and had different opinions on the real killer, Weinstein said they wanted to address the group Monday “to continue to keep this case alive so someday Americans can know who committed this bioterrorism attack.”

The first panelist to speak was Paul Kemp, Ivins’ attorney since 2007, whose nearly 25 minute presentation could have been the opening argument to the trial that never took place — Kemp’s client committed suicide in July 2008 as the FBI investigation was closing in on Ivins.

“There is no evidence that Dr. Ivins ever made the dried anthrax” used in the attacks, Kemp said. “There were no spores found in his house, in his car, at his desk, any place that it shouldn’t have been.”

Because the attack anthrax was never found on Ivins’ property and because his DNA was never found on the attack letters, critics of the FBI investigation said the final report released in February is nothing more than a laundry list of circumstantial evidence strung together to make Ivins appear mentally unstable and, therefore, guilty.

Kemp argued back with his own list of reasons why Ivins did not appear guilty. Ivins talked openly in front of a grand jury twice in 2007 without legal representation, implying he did not think he had anything to hide. Ivins always insisted Steven Hatfill, who was originally considered a “person of interest” and later cleared of any involvement in the attacks, was innocent, whereas a guilty person would have taken advantage of having a scapegoat. And the FBI found nothing suggesting Ivins’ guilt on his home computer, which investigators admitted had not been tampered with in any way.

Meryl Nass, a doctor who has also written extensively about the Amerithrax investigation, followed by listing and discounting each of the FBI’s means, motive and opportunity for Ivins to have committed the crime.

“We don’t know if he had access to the equipment and the knowledge because we don’t know what knowledge and equipment were required,” she said of the FBI’s inability to pinpoint how the anthrax was prepared. “”Did he have a motive? The FBI comes up with several purported motives, but none of them make sense. É Did Bruce have the opportunity to commit the crime? The scenario the FBI initially floated about how he might have driven to New Jersey to mail the letters was shot down and they never came up with a better story.”

James Van de Velde, a consultant on terrorism issues, added that Ivins, as a prominent anthrax researcher, would not have been dumb enough to use anthrax from his own beaker in an attack.

And Ross Getman, a lawyer and author on the subject, said the FBI changed its timeline of when the letters would have had to be mailed to fit Ivins’ calendar, which has not been released. Getman asserted that Ivins had group therapy sessions scheduled for the two days the FBI originally thought the letters were mailed.

In an interesting turn of events, John Ezzell, who was mentioned several times during the first panel discussion, was sitting in the audience. Ezzell was an anthrax researcher at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases with Ivins. He personally handled the anthrax letters in 2001 when the FBI asked USAMRIID to help identify the powder inside.

Because of his involvement in the investigation, Ezzell had been under a gag order until he recently retired from USAMRIID. In what he said was his first time speaking out about the issue, Ezzell stood up toward the end of the panel’s presentation to address a question. When those in the room realized a true expert was among them, audience members and panelists tossed question after question his way.

“I think it is very valuable for you to have come forward,” said Kemp, Ivins’ lawyer. “This kind of open, forthcoming information É this is the kind of thing that should have been going on since August of 2008 at the very least.”

“Dr. Ezzell, obviously you’ve retired now, so now you can speak out, and now you can provide this kind of information, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted on behalf of Dr. Ivins,” Kemp said.

Despite some strong opinions from the panelists and audience members, the seminar itself never drew any conclusions as to Ivins’ guilt or who the real attacker could have been. When Van de Velde asked Ezzell if he thought Ivins could have done it, Ezzell responded with a hesitant “possibly yes.”



The FBI’s case against Dr. Ivins is clearly bogus: no evidence, no witnesses, an impossible timeline, science that proves innocence instead of guilt. So what really happened? And why doesn’t the FBI offer America a credible story?

I can imagine only 3 possible “actual” scenarios …

  1. The FBI has more evidence against Dr. Ivins but is, for some undisclosed reason, withholding that evidence … POSSIBLE BUT NOT SO LIKELY
  2. The FBI, despite the most expensive and extensive investigation in its history, has not solved the case and has no idea who prepared and mailed the anthrax letters that killed 5 Americans in 2001 … EVEN LESS LIKELY
  3. The FBI knows who did it (not Dr. Ivins) but is covering up the actual perpetrators, for undisclosed reasons … THE MOST LIKELY SCENARIO

The “fictional” scenario in my novel CASE CLOSED has been judged by many readers, including a highly respected official in the U.S. Intelligence Community, as perhaps more plausible than the FBI’s unproven assertions regarding Dr. Ivins.

* buy CASE CLOSED at amazon *


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* Dr. John Ezzell, the FBI’s anthrax expert, attended a recent conference on the anthrax mailings … his comments answered some questions and raised others

Posted by DXer on December 7, 2010

Dr. John Ezzell, Lew Weinstein, Ross Getman, Dr. Meryl Nass, Paul Kemp, Dr. James Van de Velde at the Anthrax Mailings Investigation seminar ... UC Washington Center Nov 29, 2010


see Lew’s seminar interview on You Tube

“Case Closed” Author Lew Weinstein Discusses FBI Anthrax Cover-up and Possible Al-Qaeda …Involvement


Dr. John Ezzell, the FBI’s anthrax expert,

and formerly Dr. Bruce Ivins’ colleague at USAMRIID,

shown above speaking at the anthrax mailings seminar.

His comments answered some questions and raised others


DXer has assembled the following points from documents produced by the FBI and from Dr. Ezzell’s comments at the conference and in past correspondence  …

  1. Dr. Ezzell made dried powdered anthrax using Ames supplied by Bruce Ivins (which had been irradiated in the slurry).
  2. his resulting dry powder was more pure than the Daschle product.
  3. he made it at the request of DARPA for testing of mass spectrometry for biodefense detection purposes.
  4. The work Dr. Ezzell did was done in Building 1412 at USAMRIID.
  5. The virulent Ames was kept in the unlocked refrigerator.
  6. The aerosol samples were put on tapes.
  7. The DARPA researchers were testing the effect of a sonicator and corona plasma discharge on Ames spores.
  8. In 2001 (and for a couple of years after that), Dr. Ivins had not known that dried powdered anthrax was being made at USAMRIID.

from which DXer asks the following questions …

Question #1: When was the dried powder created?

Question #2: Might the renografin Dr. Ezzell used create a Silicon Signature?

Question #3: Would traces of renografin be found (if it had been used in the mailed anthrax)?

Question #4: Is it correct that no traces of renografin were found?

Question #5: What is the effect of a corona plasma discharge on Ames spores? Would it create a unipolar charge?

Question #6: What is the effect of a sonicator?

Question #7: Besides Building 1412 and Johns-Hopkins, where else was the research involving a sonicator and corona plasma discharge done?


Sources: audiotape and videotape of Dr. Ezzell’s question and answer (link will be posted as soon as available)





The FBI’s case against Dr. Ivins is clearly bogus: no evidence, no witnesses, an impossible timeline, science that proves innocence instead of guilt. So what really happened? And why doesn’t the FBI offer America a credible story?

I can imagine only 3 possible “actual” scenarios …

  1. The FBI has more evidence against Dr. Ivins but is, for some undisclosed reason, withholding that evidence … POSSIBLE BUT NOT SO LIKELY
  2. The FBI, despite the most expensive and extensive investigation in its history, has not solved the case and has no idea who prepared and mailed the anthrax letters that killed 5 Americans in 2001 … EVEN LESS LIKELY
  3. The FBI knows who did it (not Dr. Ivins) but is covering up the actual perpetrators, for undisclosed reasons … THE MOST LIKELY SCENARIO

The “fictional” scenario in my novel CASE CLOSED has been judged by many readers, including a highly respected official in the U.S. Intelligence Community, as perhaps more plausible than the FBI’s unproven assertions regarding Dr. Ivins.

* buy CASE CLOSED at amazon *


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* Bio Prep Watch reports on anthrax seminar … Colleagues defend Ivins’ innocence

Posted by DXer on December 7, 2010

Dr. John Ezzell, Lew Weinstein, Ross Getman, Dr. Meryl Nass, Paul Kemp and Dr. James Van de Velde at the November 29 anthrax seminar sponsored by the University of California Institute for Global Conflict and Cooperation and the UC Washington Center


Pat Dulnier of reports (12/6) …

  • Former U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Disease researcher John Ezzell and attorney Paul Kemp recently made detailed statements about the 2001 anthrax case that affected 17 people and killed five.
  • The statements, made during a seminar at the University of California’s Institute on Global Conflict and Cooperation, come nine months after the FBI closed its case on the Amerithrax investigation, the Frederick News-Post reports.
  • The innocence of accused scientist, Bruce Ivins, who died in 2008 from an intentional Tylenol PM overdose, has been debated by experts who do not believe the evidence against the Fort Detrick employee proves his guilt.
  • The seminar was the first time that these experts had gathered to share their theories and knowledge.
  • Ivins’ attorney Paul Kemp made a statement about confusion between Ivins and the FBI that the latter used to damage Ivins’ case.
  • According to Kemp, the FBI damaged the original sample of anthrax that Ivins had sent.



Congratulations to seminar organizer Ken Dillon and to the University of California IGCC and UC Washington Center for their role in keeping this case alive. The FBI doesn’t want this discussion to go on, but it is in the interests of our nation that it does.

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