CASE CLOSED … what really happened in the 2001 anthrax attacks?

Posts Tagged ‘JAG’

* Why did JAG black out portions of the remaining 300 pages of personal emails from Dr. Ivins?

Posted by DXer on November 11, 2010


Why did JAG black out portions of the remaining 300 pages of personal emails from Dr. Ivins to be produced  rather than just permit the usual FOIA process to be followed?  The blacking out of the material has been done before even being provided to the FOIA personnel in charge of such redactions.  What was redacted beyond what was authorized by FOIA — and on what authorized grounds? … and by whom?



The FBI’s case against Dr. Ivins is clearly bogus: no evidence, no witnesses, an impossible timeline, science that proves innocence instead of guilt. So what really happened? And why?

I can imagine only 3 possible “actual” scenarios …

  1. The FBI has more evidence against Dr. Ivins but is, for some undisclosed reason, withholding that evidence.
  2. The FBI has not solved the case and has no idea who prepared and mailed the anthrax letters that killed 5 Americans in 2001.
  3. The FBI knows who did it (not Dr. Ivins) but is covering up the actual perpetrators, again for undisclosed reasons.

The “fictional” scenario in my novel CASE CLOSED has been judged by many readers, including a highly respected official in the U.S. Intelligence Community, as perhaps more plausible than the FBI’s unproven assertions.

* buy CASE CLOSED at amazon *


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* is there no way to hold JAG or someone else responsible for what appears to be a purposeful withholding of information related to the FBI’s bogus investigation of the 2001 anthrax attacks?

Posted by DXer on October 4, 2010

welcome to Fort Detrick ... just don't expect any answers to your questions


DXer commented earlier today …

  • It is JAG that appears responsible for the withholding of documents for two years.
  • If all remaining documents are not produced this week, Congress should call a JAG witness to explain why they delayed production for two years and who made the decision at JAG to delay production of the documents.
  • A federal judge likely would sanction the JAG attorneys in a civil litigation context.
  • The practice of law should never involve hide-the-ball.
  • Taxpayers are paying the JAG salaries.  The lawyer responsible for withholding the documents works for taxpayers.


This whole affair is a disgrace.

The FBI’s case against Dr. Ivins is clearly bogus: no evidence, no witnesses, an impossible timeline, science that proves innocence instead of guilt.

So what really happened? And why? The “fictional” scenario in my novel CASE CLOSED has been judged by many readers, including a highly respected official in the U.S. Intelligence Community, as perhaps more plausible than the FBI’s unproven assertions.

* buy CASE CLOSED at amazon *

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