CASE CLOSED … what really happened in the 2001 anthrax attacks?

* The dropping of the ball relating to Al-Mihdhar and Al-Hazmi’s entering the country after the meeting at the KL condo of the anthrax lab tech was closely related to the detention and release of Jdey at the time of Moussaoui’s arrest.

Posted by DXer on February 7, 2012






25 Responses to “* The dropping of the ball relating to Al-Mihdhar and Al-Hazmi’s entering the country after the meeting at the KL condo of the anthrax lab tech was closely related to the detention and release of Jdey at the time of Moussaoui’s arrest.”

  1. DXer said

    Zacarias Moussaoui, only Sept. 11 terrorist convicted in US court, says he renounces terror, bin Laden

    By Louis Casiano | Fox News


    Unless he has something factual to say that is subject to corroboration (and that he hasn’t said before), it hardly matters that now appreciates that mass murder is wrong. I believe both KSM, Hambali and Yazid Sufaat would describe Moussaoui as erratic.

  2. DXer said


    CIA and Saudi Arabia Conspired To Keep 9/11 Details Secret, New Book Says

    By Jeff Stein On 8/28/18 at 6:00 AM

    Anthrax, Al Qaeda and Ayman Zawahiri: The Infiltration of US Biodefense

  3. DXer said

    Aaron Zebley, Special Prosecutor Mueller’s key recruit to investigate an obstruction of justice case against the President of the United States, was one of the FBI’s two chief case agents on the Moussaoui investigation.

    FBI Agent Says 9/11 Plot Was Within Grasp

    He tells the court that had Moussaoui told all he knew, 11 hijackers could have been located. `I will testify!’ the defendant shouts.
    March 24, 2006|Richard A. Serrano | Times Staff Writer

    ALEXANDRIA, Va. — Federal prosecutors completed their case Thursday in the sentencing trial of Zacarias Moussaoui with a former FBI agent who said that if Moussaoui had cooperated after his arrest in August 2001, 11 of the 19 hijackers could have been located fairly quickly and stopped before the terror attacks of Sept. 11.
    The testimony set the stage for the French terrorist to take the witness stand in his own defense next week.
    “I will testify!” Moussaoui shouted to his lawyers after the government presented its last witness. “Whether you want it or not, I will testify!”
    His four court-appointed lawyers have urged him not to take the stand, fearing his volatile temper and oft-expressed hatred for Americans will only encourage the jury to sentence him to death.
    The government’s final witness was Aaron Zebley, one of the FBI’s two chief case agents on the Moussaoui investigation, who now works as an assistant U.S. attorney.

  4. DXer said

    Famed FBI agent tells all about search for 9/11 mastermind

    By Emily Smith

    June 1, 2017 | 10:05am

    Modal Trigger
    Frank Pellegrino USA Network
    Famed New York FBI counterterrorism agent Frank Pellegrino has gone public for the first time about his decade-long search for 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.

    Pellegrino — who has never spoken on camera before — reveals in a TV show how he believes the FBI could have prevented 9/11 and discusses his frustration with the CIA for withholding key information from the bureau and preventing him from questioning KSM after his arrest.

    The USA Network series “Inside The FBI: New York” claims the FBI was immediately blamed for 9/11, but in 2000 the CIA had the number to the al Qaeda switchboard which revealed that two operatives were in San Diego. But the CIA didn’t tell the FBI. Special Agent John Anticev, who works alongside Pellegrino in counterterrorism, says, “If we had known, we would be in a totally different place today.”In 1995, New Yorker Pellegrino was the lead agent in the hunt for Ramzi Yousef, the 1993 World Trade Center bomb maker, and he discovered Khalid Sheikh Mohammed had made a 1992 bank transfer, connecting him to the bombers and Yousef.

    He tracked KSM to Qatar, and the FBI began planning for his arrest. But the US ambassador in Qatar argued that going after KSM would affect diplomatic relations. Pellegrino said, “I wondered whether the ambassador understood … We were trying to convince them we don’t indict people we are not serious about … But it just seemed to linger … then one day they came and said he disappeared.”

    In 1998, there was another breakthrough, after al Qaeda attacks on US embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Anticev and a fellow agent interviewed a suspect who gave them the phone number to the al Qaeda switchboard. But it was decided the switchboard would be monitored by the CIA, and the FBI was not allowed to obtain the fruits of its own investigation.

    Anticev said, “If we had known that Hamzi and Mihdhar were in San Diego, they would have been under surveillance, their telephone, their computers, there is no way that I could see them taking flying lessons … It’s probably a good chance that we wouldn’t be in a 15-year war … there would be a couple of different buildings standing down there [downtown], and we would be [in a] totally different place today.”

    Pellegrino was in Malaysia in September 2001 working an al Qaeda source when he learned a plane had hit the World Trade Center. He said, “The first thing that went into my head was, it’s KSM … Who else would have done this … And that’s when you feel … I don’t want it to be my guy. Cause I … should’ve got him … maybe things would’ve been different.”

    KSM was captured in 2003 during a raid in Pakistan, and was taken by CIA officials to a secret location. Pellegrino was not given access to interview him. He said on the film, “I then finally realized that they weren’t gonna let the bureau participate in the interviews and they decided to go a different route with the method of interrogation. That’s not what the bureau does,” indicating the CIA may have used torture.
    Pellegrino waited four years until he was allowed to talk to KSM in Gitmo, in 2007. They spoke for six days, and KSM joked with him, but wasn’t interested in talking about his terrorist ties, saying, “‘I already talked about this. Go read the reports’ … then he shut down on us.”

    Pellegrino is nearing the end of his FBI career, but hopes he may one day testify in the trial of KSM. Pellegrino added, “We thought that by the time [KSM] was found guilty, I figured I would be right about 50, and now I’m 55 and it’s still not done … I’m just not sure anything’s ever going to happen while I’m still around … I like to joke that my tombstone is gonna read, ‘Frank Pellegrino, suvived by a wife, four children, and KSM,’ and he’ll be down there in the Caribbean and I’ll be six feet under.”

    “Inside the FBI: New York” was approved by former FBI Director James Comey before his firing by President Trump to give insight into the agents who keep us safe. It screens on USA Network June 1 at 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.

  5. DXer said

    9/11 Families Sue Saudi Arabia in Terror Attacks

    The families of the 9/11 victims are being allowed to sue under legislation passed by Congress, which gives victims’ families the rights to sue in U.S. Court for any role that elements of the Saudi government may have played in the 2001 attacks.

  6. DXer said

    Just because a guy reported to be associating with bad people then commits a bad act does not mean that the FBI somehow “dropped the ball.”

    This does not even seem to rise to the level of “20/20 hindsight” situation. It’s like assuming the FBI can stop other criminals just because a family member reports they are hanging out with a bad crowd.

    Of course, there should be transparency — not a CYA-motivated game of hide-the-ball for 15 years.

    For example, the FBI should not still be withholding documents relating to Jdey’s detention and subsequent release.

    FBI Opened Previous Inquiry Into Bombing Suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami
    By Mike Levine
    Pierre Thomas
    Sep 20, 2016

  7. DXer said

    DOJ and FBI now have been sued in connection with the Fall 2001 anthrax mailings.

    In 2001, Jdey was detained at the same time as Yazid Sufaat’s friend Moussaoui. Jdey was released. This was kept secret by the DOJ for a decade. Jdey had biology texts.

    If DOJ refuses to disclose the circumstances of his detention and release, can Yazid Sufaat, now himself detained, provide any information?

    Today I have written the eminent top prosecutor in Malaysia to ask whether the half dozen or so affidavits provided to Yazid’s defense counsel are available to the public somewhere.

    I did not think to ask Yazid about Jdey when I had my exchanges with him last year.

    In response to the suit concerning the Fall 2001 anthrax mailings under FOIA, DOJ is reformulating its reply to the FOIA request. The DOJ previously had objected under (b)(6) and Jdey’s right of privacy. (As with Awlaki, I guess the DOJ reasons that disclosure of facts of his detention would violate his privacy but dropping a missile on his head doesn’t.)

    Now the DOJ can be expected to object to disclosure on the grounds of the law enforcement exception. The FBI points to the flooding in the NYC area as reason for delay in reformulating its reply and examining its records.

    But what is the application to the law enforcement exception as to the facts of his detention and release in 2001 — over 12 years ago?

    The top CIA person has disclosed in a formal report that he was detained and released.

    The DOJ should adhere to the presumption favoring disclosure that President Obama has claimed to embrace.

  8. DXer said

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    Washington wants extradition of retired Malaysian soldier Yazid

    Middle East News Online [Durham] 08 Feb 2002: N/A.

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    Kuala Lumpur — Washington is “negotiating” with the Malaysian government in the hope that retired Malaysian soldier, Yazid Sufaat, 37, could be extradited to face charges in the US in connection with the Sept 11 terror attacks.

    The Malaysia’s afternoon daily, The Malay Mail, on Thursday quoting the New York Times report that Bush administration officials, said an Al-Qaeda operative arrested in Malaysia “has begun cooperating with investigators and provided new evidence to show that the country was a major staging area for the Sept 11 terror attacks in the United States.” It said the suspect, a former Malaysian Army captain, had acknowledged meeting in Malaysia with at least two of the Sept 11 hijackers, as well as with Zacarias Moussaoui, the 33- year-old French citizen, who is now in Virginia jail cell.

    Officials said [Yazid] appeared to have operated as a paymaster for Moussaoui, who was arrested in the US last August after he raised suspicions among his instructors at a Minneapolis flight school, and to have provided him with phony business credentials from a Malaysian technology company.

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    Kuala Lumpur — Washington is “negotiating” with the Malaysian government in the hope that retired Malaysian soldier, Yazid Sufaat, 37, could be extradited to face charges in the US in connection with the Sept 11 terror attacks.

    The Malaysia’s afternoon daily, The Malay Mail, on Thursday quoting the New York Times report that Bush administration officials, said an Al-Qaeda operative arrested in Malaysia “has begun cooperating with investigators and provided new evidence to show that the country was a major staging area for the Sept 11 terror attacks in the United States.” It said the suspect, a former Malaysian Army captain, had acknowledged meeting in Malaysia with at least two of the Sept 11 hijackers, as well as with Zacarias Moussaoui, the 33- year-old French citizen, who is now in Virginia jail cell.

    Moussaoui is the only person charged so far with involvement in the Sept 11 attacks, the officials said.

    The negotiations had been difficult, officials said, because of repeated public statements by the Malaysian government insisting that the predominantly Muslim nation could not have been a staging ground for the Sept 11 attacks.

    American and Malaysian officials said they believed that Yazid was a crucial organizer of a gang of extremists called the Malaysian Militant Group or Jemaah Islamiah, that is part of Osama bin Laden’s Al-Qaeda terrorist network.

    Yazid was one of 23 people believed to be extremists detained by Malaysian police in the last two months.

    Officials said Yazid appeared to have operated as a paymaster for Moussaoui, who was arrested in the US last August after he raised suspicions among his instructors at a Minneapolis flight school, and to have provided him with phony business credentials from a Malaysian technology company.

    They said they had found evidence that Yazid provided Moussaoui with at least US$35,000 in meetings near Kuala Lumpur in September and October 2000.

    American investigators said that Moussaoui deposited about US$32,000 a few months later in a bank account in Norman, Oklahoma where he first attended flight school.

    Lawyers for Moussaoui, who is of Moroccan descent and who has been linked by French intelligence agencies to Al-Qaeda, have entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf, on charges that he conspired in the Sept 11 attacks.

    American officials said the evidence showed that Yazid had met in January 2000 with two of the Sept 11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaq Alhazmi, at his condominium outside Kuala Lumpur.

    Midhar and Alhazmi subsequently traveled to the US for flight training, and they were among the suicidal hijackers who commandeered the American Airlines jet that crashed into the Pentagon on Sept 11.

    Officials had previously acknowledged that Midhar and Alhazmi were under surveillance on their trip to Malaysia, and that as a result of their meetings in Kuala Lumpur with Al-Qaeda operatives, they were placed on an immigration watchlist in the US.

    By the time their names were added to the list, however, the two men had already entered the US.

    Investigators said that Muslim extremists in Malaysia appeared to have organized “sleeper cells” of Islamic militants throughout Southeast Asia, and that they might have given direction to a network based in neighboring Singapore that had planned to blow up embassies there of the United States, Israel, Australia and Britain.

    The plot was apparently foiled when 13 terror suspects were arrested in Singapore in recent weeks.

    During questioning, officials there said the suspects described a well-organized terror network stretching across several nations in Southeast Asia, including the Philippines which has a large Muslim population, and Indonesia, the world’s most populous Muslim nation.

    On Monday, Malaysian Deputy Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Yazid will not be extradited to the United States.

    The national Bernama news agency said Badawi, who is also minister of Home Affairs, was commenting on a New Sunday Times report that Washington had requested the extradition of Yazid in connection with the September 11 attacks on Washington and New York.

    Yazid, a businessman and former army officer, was arrested on the Malaysian-Thai border when returning from Pakistan in December.

    “As far as we are concerned, he has committed a serious offense and we cannot hand him over to others to be extradited,” said Badawi.

    A US Embassy spokesman in Kuala Lumpur said its policy was not to comment on whether any extradition request had been made.

    (Copyright 2002 ISLAMIC REPUBLIC NEWS AGENCY. This news item isdistributed via Middle East News Online ( Allrights reserved. May not be redistributed, published or used forbroadcast without prior written authorization from Middle East NewsOnline.)

  9. DXer said

    The FBI recently denied a request for documents relating to Jdey’s detention on the grounds of Jdey’s right to privacy.

    Here is background on Jdey from a 2003 article by Stewart Bell in the National Post. ( Perhaps Stewart Bell could be the one to advance the story on the details of Jdey’s detention and release.)

    “The report also described how Al-Qa’ida operative Mohamedou Ould Slahi, who preached at a Montreal mosque in 1999, recruited the pilots who hijacked United Airlines flights 93 and 175, which crashed in Pennsylvania and New York City.

    The references to Jdey and Slahi are among several Canadian connections to the 9/11 plot that are described in the 570-page report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

    According to the report, in addition to the 19 terrorists who carried out the attacks, bin Laden chose up to 10 others to take part. Nine were Saudis, but the commission said Jdey might have also been part of the team.

    Jdey, who remains a fugitive, appears to have trained in Afghanistan with 9/11 hijackers Khalid al Mihdhar and Nawaz al Hazmi, it said. Along with cell leaders Mohamed Atta and Ramzi Binalshibh, Jdey received instructions from Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the architect of the operation, the panel said.

    A letter recovered from an Al-Qa’ida safehouse in Pakistan, which was written by a high-ranking member of the Al-Qa’ida military committee, also suggests Jdey was part of the 9/11 operation, the commission said.”

  10. DXer said

    Mr. Kessler in an update of his new book says the FBI’s top brass has barred agents from cooperating with NYPD intelligence. They say it is a waste of money.

    It wouldn’t have cost anything to locate these hijackers coming from the condo of Al Qaeda’s anthrax lab tech by turning to the listing in the phone book.

    Someone at the CIA had forbidden the FBI liaison from sharing the information for a long while.

  11. DXer said

    According to a 2010 Harvard report on al Qaeda by a former CIA officer, Jdey was detained in summer 2001 together with Zacarias Moussaoui. Moussaoui was carrying textbooks on cropdusting; Jdey was carrying textbooks on biology. Jdey was released although no details of his detention and release have been made public. See CYA exemption to FBI’s production obligation under FOIA.

    American authorities allege that he may have trained at Mes Aynak alongside hijackers Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi in Afghanistan, before being assigned to a second wave of attacks. A letter written by Saif al-Adl, and later found by American forces, suggested that Jdey may have originally been slated to have participated in the original September 11th attacks.

    9/11 Commission, 9/11 Report: Notes to Chapter 7., August 2004

  12. DXer said

    The CIA recently turned down a FOIA request for documents on the grounds of sources and methods.

    A review of a FOIA request to the FBI was remanded on appeal and is being addressed again by FBI FOIA.

    How does Jdey’s handwriting compare to the letters?

    Some letters written in a cursive have been declassified and analyzed by the Combating Terrorism Center, which is a US Military Academy branch at West Point.

    But how does his block handwriting compare?

    The second and third letters linked here, written by Abderraouf Jdey (Farouq al-Tunisi), call the reader to participate in jihad and illustrate the un-Islamic nature of the Western world.

    In the name of Allah the Most Merciful the Compassionate

    I am your brother ‘Abd Al-Raouf Bin Al-Habib Bin Yousef Al-Jaddi, born in 1965 in Tunisia and residing in Canada since December 8, 1991. Before traveling to Canada, I earned a degree in technological architectural engineering and worked in the architectural engineering sector. Afterwards, I migrated to Canada for higher studies.

    When I arrived in Canada, I searched for work. I found many job opportunities, but the most important were closed. Others were dirty jobs reserved for immigrants. The social and economical life in North America is a jungle governed by ferocious beasts, represented by Jews and their allies. After a period of time, I came to my senses and decided to go back to school. I enrolled in the University of Quebec in Montreal to study geology. I spent four years in the school, and at the end I received a degree in physiography. I grew up in a contradictory environment ruled by the modern political current which calls for economic development. The French occupation left countries underdeveloped and in poverty, as was the case with other Muslim countries. This political direction was adopted by Arab politicians who graduated from western schools. They ruled in the Arab countries. Tunisia was one of these countries, which adopted this principal during the post colonization period. But Tunisia’s attempts failed, and the results were catastrophic to the nation. This political ideology has bad Masonic, Jewish and Crusaders’ hidden intentions. They groomed, educated and guided Arab politicians towards disastrous policies. In the beginning, my interests were focused on Western liberal political ideology and modern political experiences, especially the federalism experiences. Unfortunately, I didn’t have any interest in Islamic intellect or history. This was due to the lack of Islamic science references, except for the few that the brothers provided of educational and ethical books which don’t necessarily deal with the reality of the nation.

    Hence, we see the importance of Islamic cultural resources and the spreading of Da’awa books, and inciting people to return to Islam, the religion of justice. Afterwards, I became more concerned with the painful human reality that led to the degradation of moral and spiritual values, and the cause of severe economic crises and ugly wars. Moving from this reality, I became very interested in studying human history and socialsciences. I had a clear idea about the degrading human reality, and the existence of a single political leader dominating the entire humanity. The Jewish media is still covering up the human realities and catastrophes, and claims that the crises are temporary and have no influence on the social life and future of humanity. They used all the media resources to mislead the people and to suppress facts so the oppressed will not know them. The origin of these catastrophes is the human relation with the universe and the nature of its existence. This subject will take a long time to explain, but the Jewish intellect hid all of these facts and assigned them deceiving intellectual formulas which did not lead to solutions. Man is the main element in this universe, and nature impels him to play a different role than other creatures. The role of man in this universe is to think about the universe and obey the Almighty creator. That’s why it is human nature to pray and obey the Almighty Allah. That is all I can say in this regard. Most importantly, the Koran explained to me the role of man in the universe.

    The bitter reality of humanity paved the way for me to understand the Koranic texts, where I found the truth. All human resources are incapable of explaining the role of man in this universe. The road I traveled to discover this truth was difficult, but thank Allah for saving me and guiding me on the right path. In Islam, I found incomparable blessings and peace, especially after I joined Jihad for the cause of Allah. No one knows the value of this blessing except he who tasted the Jahiliya (the period before Islam)
    Your brother: ‘Abd Al-Araouf Al-Jaddi
    In the name of Allah the most merciful the most Compassionate
    Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you Praise to Allah, prayer and peace on His messenger

    Brother: Hussein “I pray to the Almighty Allah that you are in the best of health.

    In the name of Allah the Merciful the Compassionate Thursday, 1st of Ramadan 1420H., corresponding to December, 8th 1999
    Praise to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds Peace, mercy and blessing of Allah be upon you
    My dear brothers, I wanted through this to leave you a few words, may Allah help us benefit from them, asking Allah to use them as a continuous charity. Allah the Almighty says in His Holy Book, “And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)?-Men, Women, and children, whose cry is: “our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors; and raise us from thee one who will protect; and raise for us from thee one who will help”. From the beginning of Mohammed’s message, peace and blessing be upon him until now, the Muslim nation has always been an aspiration desired among the Jews, the Crusaders, and their allies. They meet in their laboratories (United Nations and black house of America (White House) and others), to cook their poisonous plans. They present these plans on a golden plate, claiming they are the necessary solutions to our crises and problems. Their allies received them and applied them on our nations. Some verses from the Koran were cited in support. Praise to Allah, who showed us the right way and blessed us with Islam. It is Islam which opened my eyes and heart for the springs of knowledge. He cites a verse from the Koran, “You all received eyesight from God, he who decides to use it benefits and he who decides not to does not benefit”. I realized this after all of these years looking for the truth. After reviewing the materialistic infidel Western intellect, and Arab secular experiments and other ideologies and ideas, I realized that Islam is the right ideology for mankind. I traveled a long way to reach this conclusion. I would like to write it for you but I have difficulty in expressing myself, and don’t want to take too much of your time. You know that the Muslim nation is going through a hard period of its history. The nation lost it status and role in world society, and became an easy target for Jews, Christians and their allies. They occupied our land, took our wealth, destroyed our homes and colonized our Holy sites. They corrupted our ethics, even our women and children.

    I swear my brothers; the Jews thought of everything. Imagine my brothers, they even destroyed our local agriculture and offered their agricultural crop, which damaged and destroyed our fertile land. Our blessed Prophet told us about our shameful present status in this Hadeeth (Prophet tradition), “Nations will attack you from all directions like a meal eaten from all sides; not because you will be few then, on the contrary, you will be too many. But you will be as the stream scum, no courage in your hearts. You will love life more than you love death”. Yes, we loved our life to the extent that we forgot the hereafter. Praise to Allah who showed me the way to the right path and guided my heart to Jihad.

    My brothers, every time we pronounce the word Jihad, the enemies become frightened. They love life and safeguard it like we safeguard life after death. So let us raise the horror in their hearts; perhaps God will halt their force and cure our hearts.

    My brothers, every time I wake up in the morning and remember the disasters of our nation, I feel very anxious and bitter. I want the earth to open and swallow me. Without patience and prayers, something would have happened to me. When the merchants of illusions met to plan new plots for you after they failed in their previous experiments, they tried socialism, nationalism, liberalism and others. But you know the results, one disaster after another. They created economic crises, escalating debts, social and moral crises, underdevelopment, poverty, literacy, etc. All of these plans are prepared by the Jews and Christians, and were handed to our oppressor leaders. They presented them to us under false pretenses to prolong the nation’s destruction and death. (TC: A verse from the Koran to reinforce what he said).

    That’s why I pledged to Allah not to abandon the cause of Jihad, and to sacrifice myself for the Almighty “Allah”. I remind you, my brothers, with the advice of our father ‘Omar ‘Abd Al- Rahman (may Allah release him from his capture), about the Americans and their allies. “Sever the bond of their assault, tear them to pieces, destroy their economy, burn their companies, destroy their interests, sink their ships, shoot down their airplanes, kill them on the ground, on the sea and in the air(kill them wherever you find them, take them, encircle them and ambush them anywhere you can). Fight those infidels (let them find harshness in you), (fight them, and Allah will punish them with your hands, disgrace them, help you to be victorious over them, heal the breasts of the believers and still the indignation of their hearts, for Allah will turn (in mercy)”. Forgive me, my brothers, if I made a mistake on your behalf; I advise you with God-devoutness and reliance on him. Do not stay with your hands tied, call for Jihad and prepare for Al-Jana (heaven), as wide as the heavens and earth Allah prepared for the believers. Forgive me my poor style of writing, I wanted to write more but I do not want to take much of your time. I remind you that our nation is occupied and violated. They corrupted our lives now and in the hereafter. All of this is a result of what we committed ourselves to by turning our backs to Jihad. Stand up, dear brother, don’t be afraid of their missiles and soldiers; they are cowards. If you ignore this matter, Allah will bring other nations different from us. Come on brothers, do what you can, even if throwing rocks. Do not be afraid, victory is near, Allah willing. Pray for us, may Allah accept us and forgive our sins.
    Our final prayer is Praise be to Allah, the cherisher and sustainer of the worlds.
    Your brother, ‘Abd Al-Raouf Al-Tunusi AKA (Farouq)

    • DXer said

      Ken Dillon, who has a PhD in European History and was a former State Department analyst, first pointed out Jdey as a candidate for mailing. Dillon has been doing excellent work ever since. He introduced the speakers at the conference in DC sponsored by UCLA.

      If the FBI would produce examples of Jdey’s block handwriting to GAO, that handwriting could be compared by GAO — or at least produced along with other disclosed materials.

      • DXer said

        I tend to favor the idea that Jdey and his sidekick Boussara fled to Turkey. There was a report from there that they had crossed the border. OTOH, I believe Dillon has served in Turkey whereas I would be lucky to locate it on a map. (KD believes that Jdey is dead.)

        Boussara has unusual ears. Just as the FBI brilliantly focused on Whitey Bulger’s companion to catch Whitey, they might fruitfully focus on Boussara’s ears.

      • DXer said

        The DARPA-funded program did its work with virulent Ames at SRI in Frederick, Maryland. Dr. Ivins chief accuser (and about his only accuser who wasn’t controlled by an alien through a microchip in her butt) came to head the BL-3 lab at SRI in Frederick. She had been Dr. Ivins’ assistant and the FBI says it cannot find all the Ames she made to put in Flask 1029. Dr. Ivins in an email asked her whether she had destroyed 5 ml of Ames before leaving to take the job there. Did she? We don’t know because the DOJ shredded her civil deposition. Dave Franz and Tom Voss, the former Vice-President and President of SRI, refused to tell me whether SRI had virulent Ames prior to 9/11. Paul Keim, did SRI have virulent Ames prior to 911? If not, when did SRI first obtain virulent Ames? If SRI did not obtain virulent Ames until after 911, that should be noted for the record.

        I know from the Hadron press releases and from interviews of Ken Alibek that SRI had Ames before 911. I first interviewed Ken on the subject in 2003. 100 agents had conducted a raid here at the same minute as searching Ali Al-Timimi’s townhouse and I called Ken to ask why.

  13. DXer said

  14. DXer said

    Yazid Sufaat,

    Al Quso was at your condo in KL at the January 2000 meeting. He is operational now in Yemen. On a videotape, as I recall, mentions Awlaki. Involved in Cole planning. Was he in Bangkok after the KL meeting with others meeting in early January 2000 with Attash? Is it his name on the business card that Zacarias Moussaoui had?

    Was Awlaki operational pre-911?

  15. DXer said

    Can Yazid Sufaat, now available for interviews, tell us anything about the detention of Jdey at the same time as Moussaoui? Moussaoui was carrying cropduster manuals and Jdey was carrying biological textbooks.

  16. DXer said

    From the Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 and Osama Bin Laden (2011):

    “Tenet, too, had been briefed on the dention of the suspect flight student in Minneapolis. The FBI early on sent fulsome information on Moussaoui to the Agency, and the details went to Tenet on August 23 in the form of a document headed “Islamic Extremist Larns to Fly.” The director’s staff took the matter very seriously, urging that the Bureau give it real attention. “If this guy is let go,” one CIA officer wrote on the 30th to a colleague liaising with the Bureau, “two years from now he will be talking to a control tower while aiming a 747 at the White House.”

    Did Tenet share the developments on Mihdhar and Hazmi, and the alert over Moussaoui, with the President? It would seem surprising had he not done so — especially in the month Bush had received a Daily Brief entitled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S>” When the President was asked the question, Commissioner Ben-Veniste recalled, his “brow furrowed.” Bush said he recalled no mention of Moussaoui, that “no one ever told him there was a domestic problem.” (p.336).

  17. DXer said

    Here is a cross-examination of Michael Rolince (see his role in internal FBI emails relating to Amerithrax produced in the Hatfill matter) by Edward McMahon. Ed McMahon was Ali Al-TImimi’s iniital defense counsel who (speciously) claimed that Ali did not know fellow Falls Church imam Anwar Awlaki when he came to visit in Fall 2002. To conclude that there there was a Nawaf Al-Hazmi and/or Jdey to the anthrax mailings would have been an uncomfortable place for the Mr. Rolince to go, judging by his irritation at the line of Attorney McMahon’s questioning. Accused by FBI Agent Harry Samit of dropping the ball and missing an opportunity to stop 9/11, the last thing the FBI would have anted was for it to turn out that the same dropped balls led to the anthrax mailings and the multimillion dollar billion cleanup. But Mr. Rolince can speak for himself about Amerithrax.

    The Houston Chronicle

    March 22, 2006 Wednesday

    FBI terror boss never saw memo;
    Retired official’s denials bolster Moussaoui’s case

    BYLINE: MICHAEL J. SNIFFEN, Associated Press

    SECTION: A; Pg. 4

    LENGTH: 568 words


    ALEXANDRIA, VA. – The headquarters supervisor of the FBI’s international terrorism operations section testified Tuesday he had never read an Aug. 18, 2001, memo in which an agent proposed a full criminal investigation of Zacarias Moussaoui as a possible terrorist airplane hijacker.

    The now retired supervisor, Michael Rolince, was questioned by defense attorney Edward MacMahon during Moussaoui’s sentencing trial. He was asked whether he had ever heard that Harry Samit, the FBI agent who arrested Moussaoui while he was taking pilot lessons in Minnesota, concluded Moussaoui was planning to hijack a commercial jetliner.

    “No,” Rolince snapped.

    Had he heard other conclusions by Samit about Moussaoui?

    “No. What document are you reading?” Rolince demanded.

    Samit’s Aug. 18 report “sent to your office,” MacMahon replied.

    Called as a government witness, Rolince, a 31-year FBI veteran who retired last October, proved to be more valuable for attorneys defending the only man charged in this country in connection with al-Qaida’s Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

    Defense objections and rulings by U.S. District Judge Leonie Brinkema barred Rolince from giving what prosecutors wanted most: a long listing of investigative steps the FBI could have taken if Moussaoui had admitted when he was arrested Aug. 16, 2001, all the facts he confessed to when pleading guilty last April.

    Instead, defense attorney MacMahon was able to extract from Rolince more embarrassing revelations about FBI handling of terrorism intelligence before 9/11.

    This was important because, to get a death penalty at this sentencing trial, the government must show that Moussaoui’s lies upon arrest prevented the FBI from identifying 9/11 hijackers and the Federal Aviation Administration from altering airport security enough to have saved at least one of the nearly 3,000 people who died on Sept. 11.

    The defense contends that the government knew more than Moussaoui about 9/11 beforehand and that the FBI was so inept at fighting terrorism that nothing Moussaoui could have told them would have mattered. Moussaoui has admitted conspiring with al-Qaida to fly planes into U.S. buildings. But he says he was not part of 9/11 and was training to fly a Boeing 747 into the White House as part of a possible later attack.

    Rolince testified he had only two hallway conversations, lasting 20 seconds, about Moussaoui before 9/11. Those were with a subordinate, David Frasca, and dealt primarily with a dispute over whether to get a warrant to search Moussaoui’s computer and notebook.

    But MacMahon got Rolince to concede that he also later discussed a plan to have a foreign intelligence service search Moussaoui’s computer once the U.S. deported him.

    Rolince said he had never seen an April 2001 intelligence report sent to FBI Director Louis Free that said Osama bin Laden was plotting with Ibn al-Khattab, the leader of Chechen Islamic rebels, to mount a terror attack in spring 2001. The threat was described as “significant and urgent.”

    The document was significant to this case because FBI headquarters told Samit that he hadn’t established enough connection between Moussaoui and terrorists for a search warrant even after French intelligence reported that Moussaoui had recruited a man in 2000 to go to Chechnya to fight under al-Khattab.

    Rolince said he got 400 pages of material a day and couldn’t read it all.

    • DXer said

      Among the pages that Mr. Rolince would receive would be emails from AUSA Kenneth Kohl on the Amerithrax investigation.

      MR. CONNOLLY: —— on the Amerithraxinvestigation. Any objection to that?

      BY MR. CONNOLLY:Q All right, this is an e-mail Mr.Kohl is sending Lambert and Rolince regarding particular disclosures that aired in —— hereon a few separate broadcasts and articles.First is a Brian Ross on “ABC World NewsTonight” on June 9, 2003, and the quote ——beginning of the quote says, “The FBI was ledto the pond last year by bloodhounds,including one named Tinkerbell, tracking thescent picked up from Hatfill and the anthraxletters, federal sources said.” Do you see that?, Michael

      • DXer said

        Some people may think of 911 as the greatest intelligence analysis failure in the history of the United States.

        But in the case of Amerithrax, the FBI at least had had the opportunity to take into account lessons learned.

        The leaker that Mr. Rolince was told about — and the leaks served to derail Amerithrax for many years — was the lead prosecutor, the father of the daugher who would come to represent anthrax suspect (his defense counsel’s phrase) Ali Al-Timimi for free.

        So you can understand why Mr. Rolince may have been feeling a little snippy toward Al-Timimi defense counsel now representing Moussaoui.

        Hindsight is 20/20. But the FBI should never have kept the blinders on in moving forward.

    • DXer said

      Bin Laden/IBN Khattab Threat Reporting, April 2001 to Director Freeh and listed FBI officials

      Michael Rolince was copied the “Bin Laden/IBN Khattab Threat Reporting” memo directed to FBI Director Freeh and so, crediting his testimony, he must have either not read the memo or not remembered it.

      Click to access 792.pdf

  18. DXer said

    What does the roommate in Norman, Oklahoma who had been living with Al-Attas and Moussaoui say about Jdey?

    • Moussaoui’s arrest

    At approximately 5:00 p.m. on August 16, Henry and three other agents, two of who were INS agents, went to Moussaoui’s hotel to arrest him. They stopped Moussaoui and another man as they were getting into a car outside of their hotel. Henry and one of the INS agents questioned Moussaoui about his immigration status. Moussaoui claimed that he was in the country legally and that he had a paper in his hotel room that would prove this.

    In response to questions about his immigration status, Moussaoui presented his passport case to the agents. The passport case contained a bank statement indicating that Moussaoui had deposited $32,000 in cash upon arriving in the United States. The passport contained a Pakistani visa indicating that Moussaoui had been in Pakistan for two months – December 9, 2000, to February 7, 2001.

    The agents accompanied Moussaoui into his hotel room where Moussaoui produced an INS document. The document indicated that Moussaoui had filed with the INS an application for an extension of stay, but there was no evidence that any extension had been granted.98

    Moussaoui’s hotel room was scattered with papers. Henry asked if the agents could search the room to see if they could find additional documents that would indicate Moussaoui was in the country legally. Moussaoui refused this request and refused to allow the agents to search the room or his possessions.

    Because it was clear at that point that Moussaoui was in the country illegally, the INS agents arrested him. Incident to the arrest, they searched Moussaoui and the bag he had been carrying. They found a knife in his pocket, cash in his money belt, and flight-training materials from Pan Am in the bag.

    The other man with Moussaoui at the time of his arrest was Hussein Ali Hassan Al-Attas (Al-Attas), the owner of the car. The agents detained Al-Attas, who consented to a search of his car. The agents found in the car another knife, which Moussaoui admitted was his.

    Henry and one of the INS agents remained at the hotel to conduct an interview of Al-Attas in the hotel room. The other two agents took Moussaoui into custody and transported him to the INS District Office for processing.

    • Search of hotel room and Al-Attas’ possessions

    According to FBI documents, prior to interviewing Al-Attas the agents asked for and received his permission to search some bags that were within his reach in the hotel room. To check for weapons, the agents opened several bags that Al-Attas told them belonged to Moussaoui. The agents noticed in the bags a laptop computer, spiral notebooks, numerous aviation study materials, a cellular telephone, and a small “walkie-talkie” radio. The agents did not search these items further.

    With the assistance of Al-Attas, the agents collected Moussaoui’s belongings, including his bags and papers, from the hotel. Moussaoui subsequently gave verbal permission for the FBI to store his belongings at the INS District Office, but he refused to allow his belongings to be searched.

    At the hotel, Al-Attas gave the agents permission to search the room and Al-Attas’ belongings in the room. From the search of Al Attas’ belongings, the agents obtained telephone numbers, personal address books, credit card and bank records, and numerous personal documents. The agents found several sheets of paper written in Arabic, which Al-Attas identified as his will, and a pamphlet advising how to prepare a will.99 In addition, the agents found a partially completed application for a Pakistani visa, padded gloves, shin guards, binoculars, hiking boots, Power Point 2002 computer software, and a document indicating that Moussaoui intended to purchase a handheld Global Positioning System receiver and rent a camcorder.

    • Interview of Al-Attas

    Henry and an INS agent interviewed Al-Attas at the hotel. During the interview, Al-Attas – a 21-year-old Yemeni citizen whose family was living in Saudi Arabia – stated that he was in the United States on a student visa and had been an undergraduate student at the University of Oklahoma for several years. He provided documentation to the agents indicating that he had a valid student visa that had first been issued in 1995 and that he met the requirements for residing in the United States with the student visa.

    Al-Attas stated that approximately one month earlier, he had moved into an apartment near the University of Oklahoma, in Norman, Oklahoma, with an acquaintance. Unbeknownst to Al-Attas, Moussaoui had just before that moved into the apartment with the same acquaintance.100 Al-Attas said that he had known Moussaoui for six months and had met him through the mosque in Norman that Al-Attas attended regularly. He said that Moussaoui was studying aviation in Norman at the time that they first met.

    Al-Attas said that he had accompanied Moussaoui to Minnesota as a friend and was not enrolled in any flight school. Al-Attas also stated that he knew Moussaoui only by the name of “Shaqil.” and that Moussaoui did not reveal his last name.

    Al-Attas described Moussaoui as an extremely religious Muslim who had gained a reputation at the mosque for being too hard-line and outspoken. According to the EC prepared by Henry about the interview, Al-Attas was asked if he had ever heard Moussaoui “make a plan to kill those who harm Muslims and in so doing become a martyr.” Al-Attas responded that he “may have heard him do so, but that because it is not in his [Al-Attas’] own heart to carry out acts of this nature, he claimed that he kept himself from actually hearing and understanding.”

    The Minneapolis agents determined that Moussaoui had traveled to Pakistan, as well as to Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and Europe. They also obtained the first and last names of one associate of Moussaoui’s in Oklahoma and the first name of another of Moussaoui’s associates in Oklahoma.101 When Al-Attas was asked to explain why he and Moussaoui had padded gloves and shin guards, he responded that Moussaoui had purchased a set of each for them so that they could train to protect themselves against crime in the United States. Al-Attas also stated that Moussaoui advocated that “true Muslims must prepare themselves to fight,” and that, at Moussaoui’s urging Al-Attas had begun martial arts training.

    Henry asked Al-Attas if he would be willing to go on jihad, which Henry told the OIG he defined for Al-Attas as “holy war.” Al-Attas said he knew what it meant, and he would be willing to fight, but currently he was studying.

    Al-Attas also stated that Moussaoui believed it is the highest duty of Muslims to know of the suffering of Muslims in the lands where they are oppressed, and because the United States is full of unbelievers Muslims should not reside in the United States.

    In response to questions about his will, Al-Attas said that it was common for Muslims to write their wills and that he had written his a long time ago. Al‑Attas also was asked why he was in possession of a partially completed visa application to travel to Pakistan. He responded that he had been asked by his family to go there to research treatments for liver cancer to assist an uncle living in Saudi Arabia.

    Al-Attas said that he and Moussaoui planned to travel around the United States for two weeks after Moussaoui’s training was completed. According to Henry’s EC, Al-Attas could not explain how he would be able to start his college classes at the end of the month if he was planning to travel with Moussaoui.

    Al-Attas was not detained but was asked to come to the INS District Office the next day for further questioning, which he agreed to do.

    Henry told the OIG that after the Al-Attas interview, he was unequivocally “convinced . . . a hundred percent that Moussaoui was a bad actor, was probably a professional Mujahedin and this wasn’t a joyride, that he was completely bent on use of this aircraft for destructive purposes.” Henry also stated that he believed that Al-Attas was “telling us as much as he could culturally” that Moussaoui was involved in a “plot.”

    • Interview of Moussaoui

    After interviewing Al-Attas on August 16, Henry and an INS agent interviewed Moussaoui that same evening in detention in the INS offices near Minneapolis. Henry told the OIG he believed that Moussaoui was “combative” and “deceptive” throughout the interview.

    According to Henry’s later 26-page EC documenting the Minneapolis FBI’s investigation of Moussaoui (which we discuss in detail in Section E below), Moussaoui stated he had come to the United States to be a pilot and had been a student at the Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma. He said that he had taken the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) written exam to become a pilot but had failed it. Moussaoui said the instructors in Oklahoma told him that he was not cut out to be a pilot. He said that he was determined to “follow his dream” of flying a “big airplane,” and for pure enjoyment he had enrolled in the flight simulator training course at Pan Am in Minneapolis. He said that once he completed the simulator course, he planned to return to his efforts to obtain a pilot’s license. Moussaoui stated several times during the interview that it was very important for him to return to finish the flight simulator training.

    Henry reported that Moussaoui could not identify his source of income. Moussaoui claimed to have worked as a freelance marketing researcher and at various other business ventures, one of which involved an Indonesian telephone card company. According to Henry, however, Moussaoui could not provide a convincing explanation for the $32,000 in his checking account, and he was unable to provide an approximate income for the previous year.

    Moussaoui said that he had traveled to Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan in connection with an Indonesian business, as well as to Morocco, Saudi Arabia, and all over Europe. When asked why his passport did not reflect entry or exit stamps for Indonesia or Malaysia, Moussaoui stated that the passport had been issued recently to replace one that had been ruined in the washing machine. Moussaoui refused to answer whether he went anywhere else outside of Pakistan while he was in Pakistan and, according to Henry, became upset that he was being asked about his travels to Pakistan.102 Moussaoui denied that he had ever had any weapons training, but Henry believed he was deceptive in this response.

    Moussaoui was questioned about his religious beliefs. He stated that he considered himself a religious Muslim and that he followed the Islamic practice of praying five times per day and helping his fellow Muslim brothers. When asked about his feelings about the treatment of Palestinians in Israel, Moussaoui said that it made him sad but denied that it made him angry. When asked whether he had spoken openly about hurting people in retaliation for what was happening in Israel, he stated that he needed to think about the question, and ultimately he refused to answer it.

    When asked what his immediate plans had been after his flight simulator training, Moussaoui stated that he and Al-Attas had planned to travel to New York to see the sights and to Denver, Colorado, to do some unspecified business with United Airlines. He said he then planned to go to Oklahoma and then return to the United Kingdom.

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