CASE CLOSED … what really happened in the 2001 anthrax attacks?

* Bruce Ivins thought it was an “incredible coverup” that he was not allowed to swab the Diagnostic Services Division at the same time he swabbed his lab and offices

Posted by DXer on January 10, 2012



6 Responses to “* Bruce Ivins thought it was an “incredible coverup” that he was not allowed to swab the Diagnostic Services Division at the same time he swabbed his lab and offices”

  1. DXer said

    Joany Jackman, the DARPA-funded researcher working at USAMRIID on the JHU-APL project, has written a chapter on attribution that explains that a method ideally needs to be able to detect and identify a pathogen contaminated with, for example, dust.

    She authored a chapter, available online, published in 2012, titled “The Microbe: The Basics of Structure, Morphology, and Physiology as They Relate to Microbial Characterization and Attribution.” Did the FBI swab the lab in Building 1412 where she was working for subtilis? Did the FBI swab the labs of the contractors under the JHU-APL project? Dr. Jackman wrote: “Attribution includes not only disease-producing organisms but organisms which may hitchhike with the sample of interest such as … environmental contaminants ( … dust …).” Ivins thought it was an outrageous cover-up that Building 1412 was not swabbed in 2002 at the same time as Building 1425.

    Bruce Ivins thought it was an “incredible coverup” that he was not allowed to swab the Diagnostic Services Division at the same time he swabbed his lab and offices
    Posted on January 10, 2012

    * Bruce Ivins thought it was an “incredible coverup” that he was not allowed to swab the Diagnostic Services Division at the same time he swabbed his lab and offices

  2. DXer said

    CDC Mishaps: Only government would leave anthrax in an unlocked fridge
    By Tammy BrucePublished July 21, 2014

    “I mean, when a sandwich is in the Ziploc, you can still smell the PB&J. If the smell of PB&J can escape the Ziploc baggie, so can anthrax.”

    Additional background:

    CDC Misplaced Anthrax, Moved Dangerous Materials in Ziploc Bags


    The FBI used Dr. Ivins concern about contamination due to the fact that zip lock bags were being used as evidence of his guilt.…/847444.pdf

    Anthrax Redux: Did the Feds Nab the Wrong Guy … – Wired

    by Noah Shachtman – Mar 24, 2011 – An FBI team wearing protective suits placed the letter and envelope in ziplock bags. … As his fellow microbiologists watched from the hallway, Ivins shoved … When he moved his free hand closer to it, the granules in thebag …

    Apr 1, 2005 – 2005, IVINS was presented with a Non-Disclosure Agreement which he reviewed and signed. …… These samples were individually sealed in ziploc bags, and placed in …… File # 279A-WF-222936-BEI”‘:


  3. DXer said

    Q. Okay. So how soon after October 16th did
    you receive the other two letters?
    A. I think within a few days. It might have
    been the end of that week or early the next week. It was soon.
    Q. Did you go through the same steps, basically?
    A. No. Those letters were treated differently, and I never processed anything on those letters except the actual — they were handled differently, and Dr. Ivins didn’t do any testing on those. I think plated out one of the dilution samples for that letter, but I never actually handled those letters.
    Q. Okay. And so was it — was the same process done to determine the concentration?
    A. I do not know that information.
    Q. Okay. Do you know who was involved with those letters?
    A. It would have been Colonel Eric Henchal, Dr. John Zell, Terri Abshire.
    Q. And Dr. Ivins was not involved?
    A. He was not involved with those letters.
    Q. Do you know why there was a change?
    A. I don’t think there was a specific change. Realize that there is a lot of competition between divisions and PI’s. Bruce and John had worked together for years.
    Q. When you say John —
    A. Dr — Q. John [Ezzell]
    A. Yes, John [Ezzell] They had different ways of approaching problems, being that they both were microbiologist Ph.D.’s and John would sometimes feel threatened by Bruce, vice versa, so I think at that point in time, since Bruce had taken the lead on the first letter, John felt that it was time for his lab to step up. I mean, that’s my reasoning.
    Q. A little inter-division competition of a kind?
    A. Yes.
    Q. Okay. And I assume it was pretty big news at that point as well.
    A. Right.
    Q. So you don’t know exactly what they did, but that was the team that worked on that group of letters.
    A. Um-hmm.
    Q. Yes?
    A. Yes. (p. 44.)

    • DXer said

      Kristi Friend, Dr. Ivins’ assistant, explained in her recently produced civil deposition:

      Q. And then in March of 2002, you actually went over to work with Dr. Ezzell —
      A. That’s correct.
      Q. — at that point in time. All right. And what did you do with Dr. Ezzell, then?
      A. Basically, the same types of tests. We were still receiving samples. Not on as a frequent basis as we once were. So my role kind of switched to assisting in developing diagnostic assays to detect biological threat agents in various types of things, such as soil. (p. 56)

  4. DXer said

    Building 1412 , Rm. 212 was where the FBI’s expert made a dried powder out of Ames supplied from RMR 1029 as part of a DARPA-funded program. No sample was submitted initially to the repository and it was later seized. His assistant then went on to Johns-Hopkins. The Ames seized from Building 1412, Rm. 212 had 3 mutations.

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